July 20
Caller#1 Edison - His sister was abused by their Dad. They filed a case and they were not even supported by their mom. Both parents abandoned them eventually. Now, they found out that even his youngest sibling was abused by their Dad.
Lil D: This is probably the toughest case we ever had in this show. Get on with your lives. If you want him to really pay for what he did..pagbutihin ang kaso. Lakasan ang loob...konting tiyaga .
Blade: follow up the case and make sure that justice be done
Monica: If you realy want to see the end of this...pursue it and be patient.

@ Roswell Theme was played...

Caller#2 Scarlet Her guy friend is leaving for the States two weeks from now and she's afraid that he might stay there for good. He has a son and he's gonna be living together with his ex there. She thinks that love really ain't with them yet and that they have a weak foundation so she's wondering how far would she go in the relationship. (By the way, this was taped) She also wanted to know some ways she can do for him so he won't forget him while he's there..sort of "to remember me by" thingamajig.
Lil D: If things go wrong it's not gonna be that bad coz you're not too committed. I suggest that huwag na muna. Should you try to make him remember you? I don't think so...If he's serious he'll come back. If he does come back fine, if he doesn't fine too...
Blade: Have you known from the very start that he's gonna be leaving? Yun naman pala.....Go with what you feel..Wider perspective pls...Make the most of how much time you have left but don't do anything you might regret. Just have fun.
Monica: Make the most out of his final remaining days in Manila. Twas good while it lasted...Put it in history....Don't expect too much from this guy. Distance is the most difficult scenario. Despite your chances, if a guy doesn't wanna stay with you...he won't. Expect the worst and hope for the best.

@ Brady Bunch Theme was played...

Caller#3 Dino(radio was loud)...He is currently fighting with his bestfriend's girlfriend. They started this netcafe but he manages the whole thing. His bestfriend's girlfriend helps out sometimes and two days ago he argued with the girl about something. He raised his voice unintentionally and then she cussed him coz she thought he was kinda raising his voice to her...Now he feels like he has to leave the place already so their fight won't ruin his friendship with his bestfriend.
Lil D: Easy solution...sit down and talk about it. Talk it up..tampuhan lang yan...before it becomes any worse.
Monica: Why do you have to compete? Let this one go coz you might have worse next time...Don't get it that far where he has to choose between you and the girl.
Blade: You're making things appear that they're bigger than they are...Keep it simple..

@ Then they talked about games....Monica wouldn't wanna comment about them getting excited over a computer game...(Muntik na naman silang masermonan ni Monica)

@ Airwolf theme was played..

Caller#4 Tank (am not sure of the name) - She thinks that she's losing her identity.She is having this relationship with a guy for two years....(radio is loud too) He dictates on her. He doesn't want her to see her friends. Sometimes she feels guilty spending her own money too so she saves them instead to help him out coz he's a bit tight right now. He knows things about her and sometimes he parades it to get what he wants from her or sort of blackmail her.
Lil D: We have come to a cross roads here. It's just a matter of how you deal with it and him. A relationship is a series of adjustments. You should come to a level that both are happy with each other.
Monica: In two years your past shouldn't matter anymore. He manages to parade his excess baggage just to get what he wants. Bottom line is are you happy? If you love him enough to put up with with it and change for the best. The decision lies more on what you feel...
Blade: You shouldn't have told everything right away...But nobody has a right to stop you from doing anything you want...emotional blackmail is what he's doing. Adjust...but manage to still say your piece.

@ Then Monica says that Blade is masarap na boyfriend. You can do everything. Whatever you do, you're always right. Am I incriminating you? Blade says, he's like an adaptor...hits any socket. Just giving her the benefit of the doubt...Then Lil D says don't wory about him incriminating himself coz you did it for him already....she loves to incriminate others...


@Well ventilated ang shirt ni Blade..BTW

@Monica talked about the e-mail she received saying that the Abu Sayyaf thing might not even be real.

@Lil D invited the listeners to join the mailing list....

@Favorite Coffee
Caramel Frap-Decaf for Monica and Blade

@Three best movies this year
Lil D: Frequency
Monica: Toy story 2, MI2, American Beauty
Blade: Toy Story 2, Frequency, American Beauty

@Dharma is in Keeping the Faith...that's she with Ed Norton and Ben Stiller

@El dorado - good funny movie, adult fun

@Are you the jealous type (Monica wanted them to answer for the other but the guys didn't want to...Monica did anyway...siya pa.)
Monica: They are both jealous types and the Blade denies it...Lil D doesnt deny it but sometimes he goes way too much..( Lil D says...but I have the right reasons)
Lil D: Monica is...(Monica says she's not then talks about her s.o. and that she allows him to flirt left and right which Lil D defends too..)
Blade: All I can say is, I was right on the money

@Three best songs this year
Monica: Bye Bye Bye (..says Blade)
Blade: All I have to give (..says Monica...not counted coz twas released last year)
Lil D: Mandy Moore's I wanna be with you(...says Blade)

@ If you are to host a Talkshow, what would it be?
Lil D: Letterman
Monica and Blade: Nitelite

@Favorite R&B artist
Blade and Monica: Brian McKnight @They like the new magpakatotoo ka commercial...the one with the burping guy

@One singing voice that you could possess...
Monica: Lea...Regine can do too
Blade: Steve Perry/Kenny Loggins
Lil D: Oo lang ng oo.....

@Have you ever abused your health at one time?
Lil D: all the time then the two legs agreed...Blade coughed out his lung here...

@If you were given 3 wishes to use for others before you die
Blade: No Pollution....Okay na sa one for the apartment....
Lil D: No aids, racism and nuclear arms
Monica: No more nuclear arms, no more endangering animals, Cancer

@And the goodbye song of Monica...sang it with their theme of Nitelite..and she goes, you'd have to be good to do that...(I can't agree with you more Monica)...then tricked Lil D and The Blade by singing it again with the original tune this time...(BTW Monica, what's Oprah's favorite book na nga? You forgot to mention it....)

  July 27
@Pahabol ni Blade sa Best Movies of the Year: GLADIATOR - "What we doin life echoes in Eternity" "On my signal, unleash hell" (tama ba to?)
@ The Streetlite Party a while ago according to Blade was exciting..Lots of lovely ladies

Caller#1 - Jessie She wanted to talk about recovery from boy problems. (Her throat was sore btw, because of crying and screaming whle confronting the guy.) She broke up with her boyfriend before but he kept asking for a reconciliation so she believed him and they got backtogether. He's asking her to give him some time to change so she decided to give him another chance. Then she discovered he had another girl and he was just playing her for a fool. She was able to talk with the girl and she isn't at all that she expected (bitch and man stealer kind). She returned all his things and all the things he gave her but she's having a hard time trying to forget him.
Lil D: I hope you pull through. Sometimes you backslide but don't worry about it. I think you're doing fine though. You deserve a better guy.
Blade: Stay close to your friends ho will keep you away from him and forget about him totally.

Addam's Family Theme was played...

Caller#2 - Kiddo - He wanted to ask about maturity and how exactly can it be defined. Many say he's immature coz he's loud.
Lil D: Being responsible and the ability to adapt to situations and not let your basic instincts get the better of you is I think maturity. Being loud depends on the situation. Wash on the part where many say your immature.
Monica: A person can be mentally and emotionally mature but not at all mature in age. Sometimes being loud can be very annoying and you become a little bit immature. You have to have the right manners at the right place.
Blade: You shouldn't be too hard on yourself in wanting to be 100% mature coz that's hard. Try to act the right way.

Theme from Alfred Hitchcock Presents was played....

Caller#3 - Paul - If someone (a girl) said your it offensive or what?
Monica: Depends on the situation
Blade: Pogi points yun.
Lil D: Or maybe..not. Depends on the way she said it too.
(I got interrupted here...patient called, I was at work kasi)

Caller #4 - (Didn't catch her name) - She met this guy on the phone. They talked for about a month and she fell for him so they decided to finally meet. When they met, she's not physically attracted to him. He kept on calling her afterwards and he thinks sila na. She doesn't know how to tell him without offending him.
Lil D: This is your fault too. You should have met first.
Monica: There's no way you can't offend him. Find the quickest way.

Caller#5 - (...forgot her name too) - She's planning to tell a guy who courted her once but now she loves him. He's actually in the States right now and he stopped courting her already. Is it a good idea?
Lil D: Sige, sulatan mo na lang.
Monica: Get it off your chest. What makes a feeling more exciting though is the "what could have been" thing.
Blade: Best to keep it to your self right now. Search your soul - see if u can take whatever consequences that may happen.

Q & A

@ What is your typical breakfast?
All of them: We don't eat breakfast. We are all unhealthy.

@ What is the Computer graphics/Software easiest to learn/use?
Lil D: I suggest...none. They're all hard. But what I don't recommend is difficult.

@ Time of Your Life will gonna replace Dawson's Creek on channel 23.

@ What movie is better, Matrix/MI2
Blade: syempre ko eh..
Lil D: Matrix
Monica: Matrix but Tom's hair is more gorgeous than Keanu's.
@Best Age to marry
Lil D: When you're ready
Blade: Age 5 if you like

@What website can you log on for Movie Reviews?
Blade: E-online
Monica: Litemail...The Blade reviews every single movie he watches.

@ Would you confront a woman who's making a play for your boyfriend?
Monica: No..not if I can help it.
Lannie: Make sure first before you do your violent act (ain't Ms. Chan for nothing hah!)

@ If you meet Erap in a special occassion, how would you react?
Lil D: Respect the office but not necessarily the person.
Monica: I'll go to the other direction
Blade: Same.. I will not be the one to go rushing.

@ Then Blade made some Halflife sounds.

@ Then they made fun of Ron South...lots and I forgot to write, I just laughed.

@ On Euthanasia...
Monica: I'm totally against it.
Lil D & Blade: Okay!

@Best TV Show ever..One TV Show you can watch for the rest of your life.
Blade: Same..definitely not Twin Peaks
Lannie: Dharma and Greg
Lil D: I don't have one, have to think about it.

@ Jude Law will have a child again
Monica: I'm not pregnant, how is that possible? didn't like Jude Law's movie Crocodile.

@ What would you wanna have if u are to have 3 supernatural powers?
Monica: Invisibility...not X-ray vision
Lil D: X-ray Vision, Flight
Blade: Invisibility, telepathic, telekinetic,flight and invulnerability (which Monica refers to as "swapang sa powers"

@ 5 sexiest man
Monica: Jude,jude,jude,jude,jude

@ Present Desktop Wallpaper
Lil D: Sky and clouds
Monica: Jude Law (music in Another Room pose)

@ Favorite Song from Miss Saigon
Blade: Sun and Moon (...Monica sang it and then it becomes his most hated song)
Monica: The one where Lea and the wife sings simultaneously (I Still Believe)
Lil D: I'd give my lIfe For you

@ Someone saw Lil D with this tall, skinny beautiful woman...
Lannie: That was the Blade
Monica: laughing out loud
Blade: Violent Reaction
Lil D: No Comment

@ They played the new commercial by Don Henry with Monica's voice which is....Seductive but not airy, a little bit sensual but not too slow, a little bit happy but not too fast...(Phew!)...the FHM commercial.

@ 'Brix' came over

@ Longest Show - crazy morning

@ Goodbye song was normal (fast forward)

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