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October 18
@ Start of the bimonthly show
@ Monica had to explain how for some months we're gonna have 3 Nitelites...and they all get confused with the dates, basta, every other week.
@ Jessica Zafra talk..about Twisted Petition
- Ah! I don't want any other way. I like it this way. Only one hour work.
- You're not doing me any service. Don't let me work against my will.
@ Theme from Dark Angel was played...
@ 1st Caller - RAJ - Talked about his fears on terrorism and all that's happening around the world.
LD - I think that the end time is within our generation. Be level headed, be sensible and be vigilant. Do your thing too, for the country.
M - (Speech to, brace yourselves) If you're looking for answers, the last people you should go to are those Astrologers. If you have to, you go to your pastors, parish priests and the likes. But don't go to astrologers, they're full of crap. (And they're Astrologer friend Henry texted) Read the bible. Pray before reading for enlightenment and for God to guide you. Terrorists are there to inflict terror. If you live your life under terror, you're just existing and you're not living. And it's not worth it. What you have to do now in this time of terror and fear is to make sure about you're existence even after this life. Make sure that your relationship with whoever your God is, is fine so that you can be assured that whatever happens in this life, you're good. Bacause you have to do whatever it is that you have to do in your daily life without just existing, you have to live.
@ Jokes about the fact that if it's your time, it's your time.
- Slipping in the bathroom and bumps head
- Bowling ball dropping in your head
- You're sleeping and suddenly head board falls
@ Dog talk including the security dogs at Rustans who sniffs for bombs and ugly people
M - Thank God Ronnie doesn't go there.
@ Theme from Once and Again was played...
@ From Renato - Reasons why we enjoy Nitelite
1 Listen and Ponder about serious topics
2 Laugh at stupid topics
3 Listen to anime themes, news and showbiz updates
@ 2nd Caller - Pam - Talked about how she's feeling so bad that the father of her child is planning to lessen the money he gives her baby because his mother is sick and he has to help for the expenses. (With the way I stated the problem you'd notice I didn't like her reasons)
LD - Something like that is a special time. It's not that he doesn't want to help you. That's the problem when you put all the burden to just one person, pag nagkaproblema ka, your left with nothing. Do something yourself or find another way. You really have to take responsibility too. Find other alternatives. Pawn something, or sell something. Under the circumstances, you should do your part.
B - You have to do something. Huwag kang aasa sa kahit na sino. Give and Take dapat. You should understand where he's coming from. You got pregnant, it wasn't entirely your fault but you have to deal with the consequences and take responsility. Now is one of those consequences you have to deal with.
@ Opening Theme of Gatekeeper was played...
@ 3rd caller - Hatchett - Talked about the crab mentality in his office. He thinks that they hate him coz he's making a lot of money, even going over the quota, and he gave some huge figures. They also call him Mr. PR (I think he's too mayabang) he even said maybe the problem is, I'm intelligent. (Aaargh!)
LD - Maybe you rub people the wrong way. I get the vibe na you're "malakas ang dating". Maybe you can change your style a little bit. Learn to deal with them, go with the flow, try to change their views and get to know them better. You keep talking about the fact that you're doing well and all that stuff, people don't need to know that.
M - We don't know who you are, we're just judging from the way you talk...Mr. PR doesn't always mean good. There's always a bright side. Blessing in disguise. Just let them be and let it make you realize that you have to change some things in you. Life is basically a series of lessons on how to make yourself the best person you can be. With everything that you go through and every person you go thru there's always a purpose to it. God allows this things for a reason and if the reason is to constantly enhance your personality to make yourself a better person so that even if you don't feel like it.
@ Theme from Ed was played...
@ A Bit of the Theme from Mad About you was played..
Nitelite Q & A
@ With what's happening in this world this time, do you think it's cruel to bring a child in this world?
M - Personally, even if I'd have the chance, I wouldn't. It's not cruel though. But that's just me.
@ Sex and the City at Channel 9 should be called Blank and the city.
@ New PC Game
PS2 versions, Flash Point..blah,blah
@ Plugs may be faxed to K-lite - 6363394
M - Too early to judge. I love Brandon the gay guy. Comedy relief. They don't have Elizabeths or Coleens..
B - Takes some time to get to know them
@ Weakest link
M - That's how it is in the States so I think Edu's good. But meany type might not work in this country. Suggest Jessica to be the host. She'd be great.
LD - I don't know if she'd pull it off in taglish. Aside from Ireland, we are the only country with a guy host.
B - Filipinoes are kinda sensitive so baka di mag work.
LD - Buti kung, if like (Ooops!) they have directors or the likes who arent offended by stern behavior.
@ Audio Books for Twisted...
LD - JK Rowling's group didn't give us permission, so goodbye!
@ Temptation Island question again...(I swear they've answered this since the start of Temptation Island in this country..gees!)
@ Where should I migrate to?
M - Stay put!
@ Top 3 Contemporary Christian bands
Plum, Caedmon's Call, Vertical Horizon, Jars of Clay
@ Word Power
Pakaplog - Pandesal, kape, itlog
Altanghap - almusal, tanghalian, hapunan
...and Blade kept on saying Pakaplog too...
@ Weird restaurant names..
Planet Adobo, Pansit Malaboni, Mang Donald's, Cooking ng Ina Mo..and at the other side of the road...Cooking ng Ina mo Rin
@ Website Info
LD - No answer, I'm the weakest link.
M - Yes you are. I will vote you off this island.
@ Is Megan Mullaly bisexual in real life?
M - Gee! Let's ask her!
More Ron South bashing..esp. with his new look!
M to Ronnie - Why are you playing a dirty tape in our VHS player, it will make it dirty?
Ronnie - Hmmp. I was just listening naman to the audio eh. (Ngyar!)
@ Scariest Experience
LD - Ron South
M - Aside from Ron south, when I thought our plane was gonna crash. And Sonny Z lost his poise too.
LD- One of our boss was at the bathroom peeing. hehehe.
@ Birthday Gift for a boyfriend
B - No clapping monkeys, no Pooh toilet paper holder.
LD - Palm Pilot
M - Nice new DVD..depends on your boyfriend though.
@ Do you hate babies Monica?
M - No, I'm not Jinji. I love babies. I'm just not ready to have one of my own.
@ Game show you would create
LD - Strip Jeopardy
@ Monica love the new Britney Video. The guys say it's Hot!
@ Difference of Soul and Spirit
Webster says..soul is spirit, spirit is soul.
@ You desire but you don't have yet
M - To live elsewhere
B - Rebecca Romjin
LD - Inner peace.
@ Dragon Ball Z questions..blahblah blah
@ Is it an obligation to keep on helping you family?
LD - No, if you put it that way. Up to a certain point I guess but it's like, you have to.
M - I think you have to. Esp. parents.
B - Not an obligation. Priority should be your own family. You just do what you can.
@ Widest Voice range
M - Before it's Mariah
B - Celine
@ Best PC game of all time
LD - Half Life then Civilization
@ 5th Harry Potter
LD - July next year...The Order of the Phoenix
@ Spiritual or Scientific (Question was too long)
M - Spiritual. Faith is something you believe in without proof.
LD - Science doesn't contradict. It tries to explain. Just tryin' to figure out how God did it. Science compliments.
B - It's human nature to find out about something you don't understand and that's science.
@ Movie Talk, TV talk...and Monica said something about me Vikki and Eira talking about FRIENDS everyday on the phone (threeway..and Irene, pareho kayo ni Blade ng naisip)
LD - It's just TV. They're not real. There are writers who do that stuff. (Okay, ruin our fun Lil D) And then Blade said something about an embarassing situation...bygones)
@ Favorite TV Ads (asked a million times too but Ads change from time to time so...acceptable)
M - Astringosol/ Ad Congress
B - Tortillos..hand licking
@ Goodbye Song ..quiet version. The guys wanted the mute version...they got the sultry version instead.
Nothing Follows!
October 04
@ (This was supposed to be a long version but when I was transcribing it I made codes and becuse of my delaying tactics, can't remember the codes anymore..well, at least I remembered that Monica plays bowling.)
@ They started off talking about chapped, bloody lips, bloody nails and some gross stuff (with a little help from Don Henry)
@...Including Monica's cute new Britney keychain and some more Britney talk..
@ Corrs Concert talk..
* 1st song from Monica - We're gonna bowl tonite..
* 2nd song - Funny, funny, funny..
@ Theme from G.I. Joe was played...
@ 1st Caller - RR - She's got two topics about her friends (kinda confusing)
first friend - Husband cheating on her
second friend - Cheated on his wife and now both are pregnant
Basically, the tripod said, "The answer is so obvious and we think you need to have a life of your own rather than figuring out other people's problems.
Monica - she's so magulo a that radio station
@ Theme from Carebears was played...
@ 2nd Caller - Mylene - Talked about the father of her twins who's trying to help but with some condition. He's trying to win her back and wants her to live with him although he got another girl.
LD - He's not in the position to demand anything from you. You're better off without him. Just say no. Weigh your opinions and think of the kids more than yourself now.
M - Why don't you just ask him nicely for financial help which fathers should normally do. Draw the line, rest assured that the law is at your side. There are some people in our lives that we'd rather not have to deal with but that's the price of being alive.
B - I guess just set some ground rules.
@ Another Theme was title was announced
@ 3rd Caller - Ben (Monica goes...Hello Ben the sultry way) - Asked about fixing creative block.
LD - Specific to one person. Just let yourself go. Don't be afraid to look stupid. Try something totally different then go back to it.
B - Try listening to your favorite songs.
* 3rd song from Monica - Gilmore Girls Theme..
@ They talked about the making of Dragon Ball C (As in Chan) Landi Chan is the name...
@ Another untitled theme was played..
@ 4th Caller - David Ruffin (a mini wave for Reggie..Yipee) Talked about career shift or finding the work that could make him happy. (Maybe you can write it here and some people might help..alam mo naman litemail)
LD - You need to think things thru from a very practical standpoint. Look at it from your parents points of view too. Their views might be different but you can consider.
B - Try everything and find out what you really want...
@ Then david talked about our petition ... (Another wave...yipee)
Monica's speech...
"I'm so touched. I don't know what to say. (pero may speech). I know you were up to something but I didn't know you'd have a petition. (Yeah like all 11 of us). We've got good weeks and bad weeks, mostly bad. I really feel like it's more bad than good. But we didn't know that you guys listened so much. I was asking Lil D, You think they really like the show very much? I thought maybe they just think they have to do something coz, you know... I'm really embarassed coz sometimes I drag myself to bed and curse and do the show. It's a blessing to be able to give blessings to others.
LD - I was not expecting an overwhelming response. Thanks for your support. We've been explaining things to the owners but to no avail.
* Then monica sings...From The Bottom of My Broken heart..Blade just made a lot of crying and screaming noises...Thank You, all 11 of you.
@ Another Untitled Theme... Q & A
@ Sitcom character you would like to play
M- Phoebe
B - Dr. Frasier
@ Temptation Island
M - Pushing the envelope as far as reality TV is concerned
@ Most Beautiful Corr
M - Subjective/Sharon
B - Caroline
LD - Sharon...whole package, Andrea...and more Corrs talk
@ Most Romantic thing you've ever done for your S.O.
LD - Enchanted Kingdom birthday gift (Something slipped..?)
B - Manila Hotel Date
M - Well, the gift was something he enjoyed very much but cannot be wrapped.
@ Cure for being torpe
LD - Guts
M - Being confident
B - Couple of beers
@ Kate Beckinsale movies
Much Ado about Nothing, Brokedown Palace, Serendipity and of course Pearl Harbor
@ Best hair Straightener
Jennifer Aniston's Something (Didn't catch the title)
* 4th song from Monica - Say a Little Prayer..
@ Best Movie Career among the Friends cast
@ About the Old Lannie Chan - We miss her
* 5th song from Monica - Please Don't Go ... (Phew!)
@ When do you decide to remove a respirator?
M - You don't
@ Would you be with someone you love but doesn't love you or the one who loves you but you don't love...
M - I'd rather remain single
@ Greatest Achievement
LD - Palanca Award for his short story (read it..loved it)
M - My trip abroad using my own money
B - Independence
@ Guilty Pleasures
M - Treasures..highly caloric chocolate
@ Nitelite talk...
>Already part of my Wednesday Habit
>We will not lose without a fight..(Go! Paolo)
>Can we just have it every other week?
>You will lose a lot of listeners coz most of them just listen to your talkshows
>K-lite will be just like any other station
>Owners don't know their station and they understatement the management and their listeners that Monica says..."Our listeners are so smart, it's just too bad some aren't.." (hehehe)
@...And then my recorder stopped, unfortunately I never noticed coz I got carried away (excuses, excuses). So the tail end of the show, I missed. Thanks to Shiela for sharing Monica's lovely song for everyone...(naks)
@ Nothing follows...
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