October 26

dear everybody
i was thinking of doing a top ten but i thought id make a very special one today.

the ron-south-infested nitelite top five

what nitelite really is all about:
L: nitelite.... is .. all about... keeping the world safe from ron south.

their most embarrassing moment in the last 5 lite years
M: i croak in every single GirlTalk program!
[lannie: ur frogs]
L: for ron, every day is.
B: i actually burped during SportsLite last week, our guest heard it...he was laughing...
L: on Twisted [sunday afternoons w/ jessica zafra] i remove my headset...coz it's a 3-hr talkshow..and sometimes i'm close to the mic and i sound like breathing into the mic...then the pager goes "why are u breathing so heavy in the booth..."
[B gives us a funny L-breathing-into-the-mic demo]

The Crazies
[pager inquired the birthdate of lannie]
M: november..... 23? november 21!
[background: lots of birthdays this november...]
L: the crazy month..... of the Crazies.....
B goes to the calendar.... lannie, RON south, lannie, monica, henry, [then points to a name....]
M: ur just pointing her name...say her name!!!
[background: and to top the month......]
M: say her name...
M: ... say her name why dont u say her name...
B refuses to say her name...
B says her name..... jessica
L: u're dead sunday

post- k-lite hard rock anniv party
M: [laughter] ron told me...about these 3 girls...he was with...
one was hiding from me
another one im hiding from
and another...
just left
L: and the smartest...was...
the one who left...
[more laughter]

[forget the drumroll, you know it's just about him...hehe]
R was quoted as saying: "hey monica, i invited all the girls i know....!"
L: and both of them came!!
[collective laughter]
M: "hi ronnie!!" i still owe him an hour...i'm gonna "pay him beck an hour."

  October 19
TOP TEN best-loved nitelite kodak-moments

thanx so much to K-Lite, bedazzled will be shown this sunday 10/22, 12noon, at sm mega mall's cinema 4.
[bring your own baon]

-true to his nickname, caller Mars was definitley spaced-out
L: hi welcome to nitelite whats ur name?
Mars: "fine."
L: ur phone was busy....
Mars: "my brother was using it..."
L: who was he calling?
Mars: "uh-huh."
[more laughter]

marital bliss..ter
-pager asked who among the djs are already married
-tripod: amy's married... vince 'da vinci' is also married. ron south will never........

most romantic movies
-a pager asked tripod what are the most romantic movies theyve watched.
B: notting hill, while u were sleeping, roxanne, splash
M: notting hill yeah, when harry met sally

beary funny, Blade
-caller Bear sought advice re: his dilemma, whether to stay here for his family, or go back to the states to continue living w/ his roommate.
-conversation was going on smoothly, then when it was time to say bye, B had to say...
"Bear you go, thank you beary much."
[toink, Blade]

K-Lite's anniversary party
L: our 5th anniversary coincides w/ DJ Unplugged's bday.
background: wow his party...
L: he's also turning 5.
L : yes, we put up the party then charge everything to DJ Unplugged.

ron's age... er..
M: how old is ron?
26? he acts like he's 5.
L: oh that's his IQ

monica launches new single
yes, this time she did a live performance of "her" new single Cruisin' from the movie duets
M: dont i look good in my video? [continues to sing....]
feedback from the guys:
L: Huey?
B: aaaaahhhh... waahhh... [everything from whine to groan]
L: that was Huey, everybody
[much later during the end of the show, monica remixed her goodbye song with her new single.]
feedback from the guys cannot be put into words.

k-lite's pet
-a pager asked the tripod's fave pets
-tripod's answers:
M: got dogs
Lannie: we have angel fishes, cats,...bitch. [gasp!] female dog. [laughter]
M: yeah at lannie's, it's like living in noah's ark.
B: we can't keep pets where i live
M: B likes pussycats.
B: yeah they can whip me.
L: we actually have a pet snake here, just call him "Zuma"
L: and he's 104 snake years
[more laughter]
[er.. Lil D, is that pet snake Rattle Snake? initials, i mean...]

1 [*kablag!* drumroll. eggroll.........]
birth of nitelite
-a pager inquired, "why nitelite?" and why 12 midnite
-L replied "why not?" ... coz we have no commercial interruptions, we can talk more freely during this time, we like the crowd that's awake during this time...and...wala lang, trip lang.
[L, did u know we may have the same answers why we listen to nitelite?]

  October 09
nitelite's top ten kodak moments!

whats in a funny name?
pagers have the funniest names!
almost president bush
sinigang na kangkong
pot pot [potpot?]
chocolate starfish

tripod goes political!
question: Bush or Gore?
tripod: what? Gush or Bore?

a toilet flush salute to a bathroom reader!!
M: i'm reading..The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks [author of Message In A Bottle] also reading Bridget Jones Diary... its my bathroom book
L: u've been reading that for a year!!!

basta pasta!
question: whats ur fave pasta dish?
B: gambasetti from chatteau, and i eat it with rice!!
L: spaghetti from jollibee is good
M: sarap yummy yummy!
L: spaghetti from whistle stop, but their garlic bread is a killer.
M: till the next day
M: puttanesca from la piadina
L: careful how u say that......
B: CPK pasta is yummy...
M: but their dishes are too big servings for me
L: spaghetti from Unimart.. Makati Supkt...
M: i go eat spaghetti at makati supkt.. unimart.. when my mom goes there shopping...

dead man walking!
L: yeah jinji showed me a picture of her on an elephant and i go.. w/c one is the elephant...
duopad: u're dead!
L: she's not going be here, tomorrow she's leaving...
duopad: u're dead.... tomorrow...
L: oh tomorrow she's gonna be here... im dead! oh i meant it in the sense that...
duopad: laughter...

smoke belchers
question: who among the djs are smokers..
M: amy.. she smokes these same phillip morris... even from way back the other station we came from..
lannie.. lannie smokes.. tabako
sonny z
jinji jinji jinji
vince tries to quit smoking everyday!

a talkback sneak peek
topic: what would u do if u suddenly have an extra 1 hour for a day?
M: sleep...
M & B: watch more tv....
** coz u see they live in movie and tv land....**

B and L suffer amnesia
topic: jinji went on a vacation....
B: did she even leave? i don't even remember! oh... my memory is THAT bad!
L: where did she go? was it... Bangkok? i think i remember Bangkok...

M suffers an even worse amnesia
M: [mock cry] i still cant remember the PIN number of my cellular phone... [anguish] i'm on my 3rd try... i have to remember it... or else they will lock my phone... [more anguish]
L: how can u forget the PIN of ur phone?!
M: i should try an easier PIN...
L: how bout the PUK of ur phone?
M: no....

*****drumroll, eggroll, payroll....***** [may ka-blam pa!]
i'm little david and w/ me are the two legs of the tripod.....
ok the uglier one...
the ugliest??
oh they're up in the stratosphere....
M: id rather be the ugly one rather the uglier one....
[** Lil D, if they are the ugly and the uglier ones.... does that make u the ugliest one??**]

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