1. Each member is only allowed to send three attachments and three forwarded messages per week. And please, NO CHAIN MAILS.

2. Any e-mail message of a personal nature and is in no way of concern to the mailing list and to the majority of the group MUST BE sent only to the person to whom that message is for.

3. Announcement of events and activities that are not of 103.5 K-Lite, and not of the mailing list must be coursed to the list moderator first (that's Tina) for approval. If anyone wishes to engage in a business transaction (like selling a cellphone etc.) with a member of the mailing list, please do it in private. Off-Mic: 103.5 K- Lite's Unofficial Mailing List and its list moderator and members won't be held liable if anything goes wrong with a business transaction they didn't commit to or engaged in.

4. The mailing list is in no way a dating service or a venue to look for a mate. Please be courteous enough not to make a direct public announcement of one's availability and interest in finding a mate through the mailing list.

5. No sending of virus or infected files to the mailing list. If your PC is infected, please attend to it first before sending an e-mail to the mailing list for the safety of everyone. If in doubt of a file or an attachment, please refrain from opening it. Also, for safety measures, please check out the virus updates in various sites available online. If possible, secure yourselves with McAffee, Norton or any other software that could detect a virus.

6. No bad words, no cussing, no fighting with anyone. If you have complaints regarding another member, try to explain it to the other person in a calm and reasonable manner or better yet, course your complaint(s) to the list moderator (Tina is her name!) and she'll get to them as soon as she can. For those who want to quote any material with some obscenities, it is their responsibility to delete those specific words in it which might be offensive.

7. Avoid flooding the mailing list with e-mails. If you possible, please just compile in one e-mail your messages or responses for everyone.

8. Do not use the e-mail addresses of the members of the mailing list for one's personal interest or for inclusion in one's own club or mailing list without the knowledge and consent of the owner of the e-mail addresses.

9. Always be on the look out for important announcements (EB dates and many others). OFF-MIC's list moderator and any of its members won't be held liable for somebody else's failure to attend an activity. ALL OFF-MIC activities are being announced here at the mailing list as often and as soon as possible. Thus, each member is responsible for keeping himself or herself up to date with the activities of the mailing list.

10. Everyone is free to start a discussion as long as he/she won't go out of bounds of what is generally considered a mature, but wholesome topic. (I am sure you know what I mean!)

11. Have fun!


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